Class Teacher:
Mrs R Tucker - Year 4
Mr N Thompson - Year 5
Mrs R Tucker - Year 4
Mr N Thompson - Year 5
Class Recommended Websites:
MATHS Websites (Games & Tests) ENGLISH Websites (Games & Tests) Please Note: We have tried to ensure that every link provided on this page has been thoroughly checked before being recommended. However Kingsmoor Primary School does not have control over third party content and therefore cannot be liable for any changes made to it. |
Yr 4 Debate
Today the Year 4 children took part in a class debate.
They were presented with the picture 'Save our Habitat' and were asked the question, 'Should humans be allowed to continue to destroy habitats?'
After an in depth discussion the children decided if they wanted to 'Propose' or 'Oppose' the motion.
The debate took place with all children contributing well, resulting in a passionate discussion. After over an hour, the debate was concluded and the children had a vote. The 'Opposers' won the vote but all children reported that they thoroughly enjoyed the process. Well done Year 4!
(Jan 2020)
They were presented with the picture 'Save our Habitat' and were asked the question, 'Should humans be allowed to continue to destroy habitats?'
After an in depth discussion the children decided if they wanted to 'Propose' or 'Oppose' the motion.
The debate took place with all children contributing well, resulting in a passionate discussion. After over an hour, the debate was concluded and the children had a vote. The 'Opposers' won the vote but all children reported that they thoroughly enjoyed the process. Well done Year 4!
(Jan 2020)
Year 5 Mosaics
Class 5 have being using their coding skills to create Roman Mosaics for a Roman villa. Check out some of their brilliant designs.
(Sept 2019)
(Sept 2019)
Year 5 Christmas Cooking
Christmas cooking – we hope you enjoyed tasting them – they were great fun to make!
(Dec 2018)
(Dec 2018)
Year 4 Green Week - Rag Mats
This week our class made some 'Rag Mats' made out of old clothing, using hand-made cardboard weaving frames. Despite some initial difficulties the children showed great resilience and determination in helping each other to complete their mats.
(Nov 2018)
(Nov 2018)
Year 4 Green Week - Green Lunchboxes
The Y4 children embraced the 'Green lunchboxes' challenge by seeing who had the most environmentally friendly lunch.
(Nov 2018)
(Nov 2018)
Year 4 Science
States of Matter. The children were taken outside to become the 3 states of matter (solids, liquids and gases). Each child pretended to be a particle and they investigated how these particles move and group together, when affected by heating (or cooling) as they change state.
(Oct 2018)
(Oct 2018)
Year 4 Maths
The children were asked to estimate 'by rounding to 10, 100 and 1000' real-life problems. Problems involved estimating the amounts of resources (and sweets) needed in the classroom which needed solving using the 4 operations of maths (+, -, x and divide).
(Oct 2018)
(Oct 2018)