Year 3
Class Teacher: Mrs K Hicks Class Recommended Websites:
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Year 3 Gallery
This term, in Science, we have been learning about the human skeleton. We started this fun lesson with drawing what we thought the human skeleton looked like. Then in groups we built our skeletons, sharing previous knowledge and working together to learn new information (names of bones). Finally, we redrew our skeletons adding lots more detail.
(Oct 2020)
(Oct 2020)
Cross Stitch
We are very fortunate to have a volunteer Mrs Thomson who comes in to Class 4 every Wednesday afternoon to do craft activities with the children. Last year Class 4 all made mosaic tiles. This year all the children are going to make their own cross stitch. The first two children started this week. (Sept 2018)
Blackberry & Crumble
We were lucky enough to be able to use a parent’s field - We picked blackberries then came back to school and made Gluten free blackberry and apple crumbles, they were delicious! The next day, we recalled our experience by writing about it and we wrote out the recipe.
(Sept 2018)
(Sept 2018)
SS Great Britain Trip
Our Class Pets
The children spending time with our class pets Giant African Land Snails ‘Turbo’, ‘Captain Jack Sparrow’ and ‘Honey’.
Outdoor Art
In April the year 3 and 4 children enjoyed an outdoor art lesson drawing the Clifton Suspension Bridge.
The Earth's Core
In February the children were making the earth’s core out of plasticene and cutting it in half to see all the layers.
An amazing volcano cake made for homework by one of our pupils one weekend when we were learning about ‘Earthquakes and Volcanoes’.